Reconstruction and possibilities for adaptive re-use of railway stations based on the example of selected objects from the area of Lower Silesia – results of analyses carried out during student workshops

Creator: Aleksandra Kozaczek, Gabriela Wojciechowska, Maria Czarnecka, Agnieszka Nowicka

Source: Architectus

Publisher: Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology

Rights: Approval to upload a pdf of each article to the Big Stuff website provided by the Editor-in-Chief of the Architectus journal, with an acknowledgement that they were published by Architectus and the link to the Architectus issue they are in.

Date: 2020

Introduction: This article discusses selected buildings related to the railway industry in Lower Silesia, which have significant architectural, historical, cultural and landscape values and, due to cessation of use, have deteriorated and fallen into ruin. The aim of the paper is to recreate selected railway layouts in the era of their splendor and to compare them with their current state. The article presents reconstructions in the form of architectural mockups of selected stations, made during the student workshops “Railway Heritage of Lower Silesia”, organized in the academic year 2016/2017 by the “Industria” Student Research Group for the Preservation of the Industrial Heritage, operating at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology under the scientific supervision of dr. eng. arch. Piotr Gerber. Reconstructions of the selected railway facilities representing various functional and spatial solutions were carried out, i.e. Marchijski Railway Station in Wrocław, the first station in Jaworzyna Śląska and the station in Że lazno. The purpose of creating models was to demonstrate the historical and architectural values of the stations and to encourage investors, officials and local residents to consider possibilities for their further exploitation.

Based on numerous examples of railway station adaptation, it can be concluded that such objects can be successfully adapted to new functions. The article discusses some projects that were implemented abroad and which could be an inspiration for the revitalization of the stations described in the paper.

Reference: Aleksandra Kozaczek, Gabriela Wojciechowska, Maria Czarnecka, Agnieszka Nowicka 2020, ‘Reconstruction and possibilities for adaptive re-use of railway stations based on the example of selected objects from the area of Lower Silesia – results of analyses carried out during student workshops’, Big Stuff 2019, Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology

DOI Link:

Kozaczek, Aleksandra, Wojciechowska, Gabriela, Czarnecks, Maria, & Nowicks, Agnieszka. (2019). Reconstruction and possibilities for adaptive re-use of railway stations based on the example of selected objects from the area of Lower Silesia – results of analyses carried out during student workshops.
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