Creator: Millena Moreira Fontes
Source: Conservar Património
Publisher: ARP – Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Rights: Approval to upload a pdf of each article to the Big Stuff website provided by Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, with an acknowledgement that they were published by Conservar Património and the link to the Conservar Património issue they are in.
Date: 28/09/2023
Keywords: Forest of Dean, Timber frame repair, Blast furnace, Gunns Mill, Buildings at risk
Abstract: This article provides a critical summary of repair techniques employed for timber frame and an analysis of factors which might determine the adoption of a particular approach, in this case, a brief analysis at Gunns Mill. Gunns Mill is a remaining blast furnace from the 17th century, located in the Forest of Dean, which was the leading iron-making area in the UK since the medieval ages. The 18th-century half-timbered paper drying house endured, however, it is in a dilapidated state. The knowledge from the first part is applied to an aspect of the paper house and discussed approaches for its repair. Repairing does not only depend upon structural considerations, historic value and visual appearance influences, but also on the conservation philosophy adopted, which might restrict the range of options of repair.
Reference: Moreira Fontes, M. (2023). A study of timber frame repair and the case of Gunns Mill’s old blast furnace. Conservar Património, 44, 199–213.