Creator: Thilo Buergel
Source: Conservar Património
Publisher: ARP – Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Rights: Approval to upload a pdf of each article to the Big Stuff website provided by Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, with an acknowledgement that they were published by Conservar Património and the link to the Conservar Património issue they are in.
Date: 28/09/2023
Keywords: Aeroplane, Aviation, Industrial heritage, In situ, Outdoors
Abstract: De Havilland Comet 4C “G-BDIX” arrived at the National Museum of Flight (NMoF) in Scotland in September 1981 and has been displayed outdoors and fully exposed to the environmental conditions ever since. In 2018, National Museums Scotland (NMS) set a development in motion at its NMoF site with the aim to display the dH Comet, amongst other aircraft, in a new, environmentally controlled hangar. Due to planning permission issues the project was cancelled, and the museum is now scoping out alternative options. This led to focus on the outside of the aircraft and provided the opportunity to revisit the work carried out during a project in 2012/13, at the time making the passenger cabin watertight and rectify interior damage.
Reference: Buergel, T. (2023). Return of the space hoppers: more measures on dH Comet G-BDIX. Conservar Património, 44, 214–224.