The webinar started with Rachel Rimmer from the Science and Industry Museum giving us an overview of the museum, what it is aiming to do, and what the options and questions were. See a link to Rachel’s talk below, and further down images of some of the engines and of the gallery and steam plans.
Then Max Placzek talked us through an analysis of what different engine types need, and therefore whether the wet steam lubrication option would be likely to for the types of engines in the Power Hall display. Max has provided a recording of his presentation, complete with annotations showing you which bit of each machine he is talking about, and links to other resources he mentions. See a link to Max’s video below. I have also copied his sources into this page (see down the bottom) so you can check them out easily.
Then we opened to floor to community discussion, with Glenn Rigden and others taking a wide ranging approach to analysing the details of the problem and potential solutions. See the link to the transcript of this below as well.
Max’s presentation – powerpoint only (smaller file)
Max’s presentation – video (larger file)
Schematic of the proposed steam flow and proposed gallery plan
Max’s sources:
Original (All sources out of copyright and digitized):
- Matschoss, “Die Geschichte der Dampfmaschine” [“The History of the Steam Engine”] {Fully OCR and searchable pdf file}
- Matschoss, “Die Entwicklung der Dampfmaschine, Bd. 1” [“The Development of the Steam Engine, Vol. 1”]{Non OCR, not searchable}
- Matschoss, “Die Entwicklung der Dampfmaschine, Bd. 2” [“The Development of the Steam Engine, Vol. 2”]{Non OCR, not searchable}
Polytechnic Review, Dingler’s Polytechnical Journal, 1918, Band 333 (S. 121-124)
Über die Reibung in Dampfmaschinen [„On friction in steam engines”], Dingler’s Polytechnical Journal, 1890, Band 276 (S. 448-450)