Challenges in preservation of functional objects in museological context: the role of documentation in safeguarding of musical instruments collections

Creator: Cláudia Furtado

Source: Conservar Património

Publisher: ARP – Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal

Rights: Approval to upload a pdf of each article to the Big Stuff website provided by Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, with an acknowledgement that they were published by Conservar Património and the link to the Conservar Património issue they are in.

Date: 28/09/2023


Keywords: Documentation, Musical instruments, Functional objects, Performative use, Museums

Abstract: Musical instruments are objects that, like scientific and industrial objects, were not built to be observed. Their creation purpose is based on a specific cultural function: to be played. This purpose can be momentarily recovered within museums, when the instruments incorporated in the collections are played in performative events such as concerts, recital, among others. Museological documentation assumes a particularly relevant role in this context, not only in the preservation of the material support of musical instruments, but also in safeguarding information about the records of performative events as part of the history of these objects. This article aims to raise some considerations about the role of documentation as part of the conservation of museological objects, with a particular focus on musical instruments collections.

Reference: Furtado, C. (2023). Challenges in preservation of functional objects in museological context: the role of documentation in safeguarding of musical instruments collections. Conservar Património, 44, 82–89.

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