How to conserve and develop industrial heritage sites as sites of heritage and innovation?

Creator: Heike Overmann

Date: 2019

Relation: Synchronic Discourse Analysis in Urban Planning and Heritage Management (Heike Oevermann, Berlin)

Introduction: Most industrial heritage sites were historically places of innovation, and most such sites relate to urban and regional development that is innovation-orientated. Thus, linking conservation and innovation might be advantageous for heritage sites. So-called areas of innovation are—in short—not only part of urban development, but also actively managed in the sense used by the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP). Heritage sites require management; but their status demands a focus on heritage conservation and careful development—especially for UNESCO World Heritage sites. Understanding industrial heritage as sites of heritage and innovation leads to the question: What can we learn from managing industrial heritage sites in ways that satisfy conservation requirements while also aiming to foster innovation?

Reference: Heike Overmann 2019, ‘How to conserve and develop industrial heritage sites as sites of heritage and innovation?’, Big Stuff 2019

DOI Link:

Overmann, Heike. (2019). How to conserve and develop industrial heritage sites as sites of heritage and innovation?. Zenodo.
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