Creator: Alison Wain
Date: 2004
Abstract: Large technology objects need regular maintenance, but their size and complexity make them particularly challenging to manage. This paper outlines some of the key aspects which shape the large technology maintenance program at the Australian War Memorial, as well as some of the strategies that have been developed to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.
Additional Documents:
A maintenance survey sheet – AWM.doc
B Maintenance survey sheet – AWM.doc
LTO display maintenance sheet – AWM.doc
LTO maintenance and movement log sheet – AWM.doc
LTO maintenance and information sheet-10 wheels – AWM.doc
Reference: Alison Wain 2004, ‘Organising an effective maintenance plan for Big Stuff’, Big Stuff 2004
DOI Link (Paper):
Wain, Alison. (2004). Organising an effective maintenance plan for Big Stuff. Zenodo. |
DOI Link (Q&A):
Wain, Alison. (2004, September 29). Organising an effective maintenance plan for Big Stuff Q&A. Zenodo. |