Creators: Nigel Nolan and Ian Smith
Date: 2004
Introduction: In volunteering there are two things that need to be balanced. One is the interest of the organization; the other is the interest of the volunteer. They each have to offer something to the other for the partnership to work, so there is mutual benefit. The volunteer needs a sense of satisfaction and achievement and to feel that the contribution of their time and effort is valued. The organisation needs a volunteer that will be able to offer skills and ideas that will be of value to it.
Reference: Nigel Nolan and Ian Smith 2004, ‘A volunteer perspective’, Big Stuff 2004
DOI Link (Paper):
Nolan, Nigel, & Smith, Ian. (2004). A volunteer perspective. Zenodo. |
DOI Link (Q&A):
Nolan, Nigel, & Smith, Ian. (2004, September 29). A volunteer perspective Q&A. Zenodo. |